
The Creative Commons Global Network is the home for a community of advocates, activists, scholars, artists, and users working to strengthen the Commons worldwide.

On this page, you will find ways to get involved with the movement, learn more about what we do and how to become a formal member of the Creative Commons Global Network.

Creative Commons is the global standard for sharing content for use and re-use. There are over 2.5 billion CC-licensed works online, including on major content platforms like Flickr, Wikipedia, Soundcloud, and YouTube. Our licenses are crucial for open data, open access publishing, open educational resources and open textbooks, and more.

Creative Commons helps you legally share your knowledge and creativity to build a more equitable, accessible, and innovative world. We unlock the full potential of the internet to drive a new era of development, growth and productivity.


Almost all the images we are using on this website were taken by the amazing Sebastiaan ter Burg. The icons used on the Get Involved page were created by Gregor Cresnar, Aneeque Ahmed, Sergey Demushkin, Krisada, Dimitry Miroliubov, FBianchi, Hea Poh Lin, Nikita Kozin, ProSymbols, Adrien Coquet from The Noun Project.